From the owners of Eddie.....

Edsel von Dreadsel! The Edmeister, the Edilator, kickin' coons ass while
I'm makin coffee! The Edmeister, Edsel the Dread-i-lator. The Jack
Russell Terrifier!  He's Edster the Lion hearted!... The Edster!
Well, with that introduction, you might guess that Eddie stirred up a
little excitement yesterday.  I had just got up , and he had come
bouncing down, his usual nutty morning power greeting in full force. So,
I had just let him out, and as if he knew there was something under
there, he bolted under the deck and all hell broke loose. I ran to the
north end and looked under there, and I saw Eddie crouched and barking
to beat all heck, and TWO pairs of eyes staring back at me.  Then Eddie
charged. Oh Man! What at racket... There was snarling and screaming and
just a hell of a fight.  I ran in and filled a bucket of water.  I came
back out and it was still raging on.  I dumped a bucket over where they
were, and out comes this enormous coon, running for dear life, with
Eddie chomping at his behind. Eddie stopped at the edge of the yard, and
this coon ran for the neighbors shed, and dug for all he was worth to
get under it.  I couldn;t catch Eddie, so he ran back under the deck and
took on the second one. Well, I was really concerned, as the first one
had been horse sized, and I didn't want Eddie all beat up.  I ran to the
garage and got a hose, and hooked it up. Then I turned the hose on under
the window well. All the while, see, the snarling, barking, screaming
and coon squalling keeps up. And I can hear gravel thrashing around, and
so I know it's a real battle going on under there. I stuck the hose
under the deck from the window well, and I actually felt them about two
feet away. I pulled out of there because I didn;t want to get bit by
either one of them. So, probably 5 minutes has gone by now, and I am
beating on the deck with a stick and making noise, and screaming at
them, -all at 6:30 AM, mind you, so my next door neighbor is probably
about to call the cops.  Well, the hose under the deck may have been a
mistake, as Eddie suddenly screamed, and then the coon squalled really
loud, and then the coon broke off and ran for it. Again, Eddie followed,
just deviling him, cutting him off, getting a nip in on its rear once in
a while, and finally the coon made it into a tall spruce tree. Man, how
I wanted to get the muzzle loader on him! Well, by this time my wife and
son are out there, and helped me catch Eddie. He had  a pretty good
puncture on his hip, but other wise, not a scratch.  What a
fighter.Those two coons were each 25 pounders- huge!  This morning
before I let Eddie out, I took the flashlight and looked under there.
Nothing. I was hoping he would have given them enough of a fight to keep
them away.  So far so good.  It was  a good thing I had closed off the
back half of the deck, as they would have had a better defensive
position to hole up in, but as it is now, they have a wide open 3 foot
tall space, which Eddie can really work in.  What a battle.  I took an
hour to settle down.! I cleaned Eddie's wound and he seems fine today.
The Edselator!

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